FatalMU community Forum

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FatalMU Official Community Forum

Rule number 1 : no begging
Rule number 2 : no spamming
Rule namber 3 : respect other members
Rule number 4 : no posting porn links
Rule number 5 : No posting of E-mail address
Rule number 6 : no wares links
Rule number 7 : no advertising of any sites

::::: Enjoy Staying! :::::

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FatalMU community Forum

Welcome to
FatalMU Official Community Forum

Rule number 1 : no begging
Rule number 2 : no spamming
Rule namber 3 : respect other members
Rule number 4 : no posting porn links
Rule number 5 : No posting of E-mail address
Rule number 6 : no wares links
Rule number 7 : no advertising of any sites

::::: Enjoy Staying! :::::

FatalMU community Forum

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    Forum Rules

    ç†ç One Hit Your Dead! ç†ç
    ç†ç One Hit Your Dead! ç†ç

    Join date : 2010-08-27
    Location : In your Heart
    Posts : 89
    Thanked Times : 4
    Reputation : 2147534277

    Forum Rules Empty Forum Rules

    Post by HeartLess Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:46 pm


    * Non English language is allowed only in the Localized Forums.

    * Speak decently, no unnecessary provocations and such (keep it in game). Please keep foul language to a minimum.

    * Mentioning other online games/servers is NOT allowed, no matter what reason! doing it anyway will result in a warning and eventually a ban.

    * No Porn or Nudity (remember that a lot of underage people are here).

    * Impersonating staff members by any way is forbidden.

    * Users may not argue a moderators decision publicly. Any and all complaints directed at a moderator must first address the moderator in question via PM. If the problem can not be resolved, then the moderator and user must send their positions to the forum admin. The forum admin will make or change any and/or all final decisions.

    * The punishment for breaking each rule has it's own way of punishment, which is decided among staff and not shared in public.

    * All Flaming related threads will get to the trash can and the users will be warned on multiple attempts to create such threads.

    * Use Search Function before posting new threads about questions already asked/solved, post in those threads instead.

    * Forum is for all, no one is above anyone here except staff members (Mod/Head GM/GM/Admin).

    * Mods/ Head GM/ Admins have the right to change certain rules under certain circumstances and can add more rules if needed in the situation.

    * Mods only job is to keep forum clean and respectable, not to answer questions. if a Mod answers a question its his/her own decision to do so, he/she is not demanded to answer questions, its not a part of the job.

    * Forum is made for players, questions by players, answers by players, announcements by staff, so ask anyone, not just staff members.

    * Forum is supposed to be a friendly and helpful place to be, its a community, and a community is only as bad as the people in it, show us that u are good people and let us build a great community.

    * Accusations and attacking staff members for no valid reason is NOT allowed and will resolve into a punishment of various degrees. wether the reason is valid or not, is chosen by the staff.

    * Attacking staff members for reasons that have no relation to them or their work is not allowed either and will be punished accordingly.

    * Admins word is final.


    * No spamming (posting short, off-topic posts or excessive posting just to raise the post count; double posting; pointless complaint threads).

    * The title of thread must be relative to the topic of the thread. Threads with titles such as "HELP PLEASE" "admin read" etc. will be physically removed from this board and the user will be warned or even banned after many warnings.

    * No racial, ethnic, gender insults or any other discriminations/flaming. No posts/Private Messages(PM) that include offensive content.

    * When posting a report of a cheater/bug exploiter or other, please provide proof in form of screenshots and/or video recordings, if no proof is given, the report is only an accusation and will not be investigated.



    * Signatures should be only 450x x 160px Maximum.You can use 2 Signatures but please do not use beyond the given size, and limit the text on it. Any member would not follow will be give a warning.


    * Should be only 150x x 150px Maximum.

    User bar:

    * Limit of 400px x 30px on its dimension.

    Chat Box:

    * 5 maximum posts in a row or you will receive a warning, which will be followed up by a 3 day ban if continues.
    * Keep Cursing To a Minimum.
    * Insulting Members and Staff Will NOT Be Tolerated. Insulting Members and Staff Will Equal an Automatic 3 day ban.

    By following these rules you will make your life on the forums a lot more easier, we are a community, but each community has it's own rules. Please follow them.

    Thank You Very much.

    Best Regards,
    FatalMU TEAM

      Current date/time is Mon Jul 08, 2024 5:47 am